Brand Storytelling-My Global Niche Revelation
Click here to add this blog to your feed (subscribe to Blog) My Global Niche Revelation (Originally posted at Global Niche ) I had a revelation in the GlobalNiche program . For two years I’ve been growing a ‘You’ centered business in a part of the world where people usually do not draw attention to themselves and certainly not with personal details in a professional setting. You can imagine how my work as a personal branding consultant might face a deeply-rooted cultural contradiction. It’s a new field in India . As one of India’s pioneers in personal branding, I speak at many events and am featured in the nation’s press. When I talk of the necessity for personal growth to be successful on social media , my audience often gives me a puzzled look. Social media itself is a new phenomenon in India (from a professional and branding perspective) and relating it with personal development, spirituality and wisdom sur...