7 Reasons Why Genuinely Spiritual People Are Rocking Social Media

Sometime back I discussed about how I regained creativity with meditation and how 3 life lessons contributed to my social media success. The creation of my social media mega success formula in fact directly relates with mindfulness and soulfulness.

Social Media Mega Success = 
Mindful Content + Soulful Engagement + Heartfelt Collaboration 

1) Social Media is a Glasshouse

Being a transparent glasshouse success on social media requires lot of wisdom in posting, commenting and even sharing. Each activity contributes to the reputation of the user and can thus enhance or reduce the credibility. So tap your inner wisdom to be a social media rockstar.

2) Social media mega success requires love for people

Mega success on social media requires genuine love for people and patience. The negative comments especially need to be handled with patience. When you genuinely love people, you are able to address to the divine in them. (If someone is negative all the time, then it’s your call to continue or remove the connection though)

3) Mega Success on social media requires deep passion
It takes time and energy to respond to comments and to build and maintain relationships. In fact it may be a little more difficult to inspire trust online compared to offline. So you must have deep passion for your subject/domain of expertise to carry on.

4) Social media mega success requires never ending creativity
A continuous flow of creativity to generate content can only come from an uncluttered mind. It is difficult to create anything worthy with a stressed or clouded mind. A clear flow of thoughts also leads to inspiration at times and to interrelate diverse objects.

5) Social media mega success requires high level of energy
If one does not have sufficient energy (which comes from the soul or deep passion), one will get exhausted fast or create run of the mill content. Positive energy of positive or soulful people also energizes a person.

6) Social media mega success requires a collaborative mindset
A collaborative mindset is necessary which means trusting people, inspiring trust and focusing on the good in others. Heartfelt collaboration means results in immense benefit to the collaborators.

7) Social media mega success requires a genuinely global mindset

Respecting other religions, cultures and countries is essential to have a truly global mindset, to be a transleader. Spirituality says humanity is interconnected and we all are the leaves of the tree called humanity. 

Of course we have closer relationships with our social networks (they belong to the same twig) and the people of our country or state belong to the same branch. Although we share a closer and special relationship with our family/social networks, we need to respect people who do not belong to our networks. After all they belong to the same tree too.

Happy Succeeding. Go, be a Social Media Rockstar.

Brief Profile
Dr Amit Nagpal is a Personal Branding Consultant and Mega Success Coach. He is based in New Delhi, India and specializes in personal branding with a holistic touch. His philosophy is, "Enlarge as a Human Being, Excel as a Social Media Being and Evolve as a Personal Brand"

To know more about Dr Nagpal, visit www.dramitnagpal.comContact for personal branding/social media speaking/training/coaching. If you have doubts about the power of personal branding through storytelling on social media, connect with Dr Nagpal, on Linkedin or Twitter and see for yourself.


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