Are you Like a Child Who Gets Bored with a Toy Very Fast?

The Novelty Factor and Excitement for New
I was never jealous of Subrata Roy Sahara (owner of Sahara business group in India) for his riches or luxury but I was jealous of his constant richness of experience, visiting new places, meeting new people and having new experiences all the time.

All of us have some love for novelty factor or new things and people but some of us have strong inclinations for novelty and variety. It can be exciting to learn new things, meet new people, visit new places, understand new cultures, learn new languages, experiment with new food and so on. One must also make a honest attempt to imbibe good things from people one meets. Some of us want constant excitement in life and new does bring interest and excitement. Meeting new people is enjoyable due to the mystery element and even learning new things and ideas.

Money, in spite of all the ills associated with it, makes it affordable to expose ourselves with new things all the time. The rate of change in society has become very rapid and a person who likes too much stability (lack of new and change) finds it difficult to live a metro or city life. Rituals and traditions also have their importance though. They provide us with a sense of emotional security by means of holding on to the past. Beyond a point even recruiters are not too bothered about knowledge and skills in the candidate but are more concerned about the attitude towards learning new things or rather excitement to learn new techniques and technologies.

In fact one controllable way of creating new experiences in life is to explore creative pursuits as a hobby. If one is fond of writing, writing a short story or blog in free time is a good way to keep up the excitement. If one is fond of photography, taking few photos and analysing or even editing them on computer can be an enjoyable experience. Most of us are neither rich enough nor have enough time to visit new places all the time for example. One also must remember that if one experiments with new foods, new restaurants, new places, one is bound to fail in some of the experiments and one must have the capacity to absorb those shocks and take it in one’s stride.

On a lighter note. unless you seek a new partner/girlfriend frequently, love for novelty is not a crime and can be helpful in harnessing new ideas for creative professionals I experience the same feelings of excitement and anticipation when I'm in the midst of learning about something new or taking on a project I'm passionate about.

World Wide Web or internet is an unlimited storehouse of information and one can start digging information on any topic under the sun to find some excitement.
To create excitement in your life, make a list of things (in a diary) you can do when you are feeling bored and need some excitement in life and refer to the diary as and when required. If you are bored with life, check out

Wish you happy NOVELTEYING


Dr Amit Nagpal is a Personal Branding Consultant with a holistic touch. To know more about him click here:-

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