Are You the Leader You Want to Be
8th March is celebrated globally as International Women's Day and I thought of celebrating the day by celebrating women leaders. "Are you the leader you want to be?" is a book by two women leaders who are inspiring hundreds of women by their own example and also earning accolades especially from the leaders in information and technology industries. Manbir Kaur is an Executive and Leadership Coach based in India and Kathy Mitchell is a Certified Professional Coach currently based in Malaysia. In this tête-à -tête with Dr Amit Nagpal, Manbir Kaur shares the purpose behind the book and why storytelling is woven in the whole book. Dr Amit Nagpal- How is leadership in technology sector different from the other sectors? Manbir Kaur - I have experience working for technology companies and I can definitely say that we in technology get conditioned in a certain way over the years and our brains and styles are greatly influenced by this....