Why Use Stories for Brand Building?

 Let us understand why we should use stories for brand building in 5 sections viz.
1) How do stories work?
2) Why stories are best tools for online promotions?

3) How do stories integrate?
4) Why stories for organisation branding?
5) Why stories for personal branding?
6) How stories inspire action?

1) How do stories work?

Stories inspire action and also connect emotionally and build reputation.

Business is all about building relationships and by staying back in the memory, stories help in connecting people and strengthening relationships.

Stories also persuade through embedded messages.

In the end, we all will become storytellers. Our hearts connect to stories, our brains are wired for stories and our ears want to listen to stories. We want our stories to be heard because our experiences are stories, our complaints are stories and sometimes the biggest burden on our soul, are our untold stories.

Great people / legends leave behind legendary stories and great souls write inspiring stories.

2) Why stories are best tools for online promotions?
A question which has been frequently coming up in my training and talks is, "How do I promote my website on social media, without appearing promotional?"

My answer is, "Appearing promotional or direct promotion can irritate your social media audience and backfire. As we move from direct promotion to a content marketing era, the best way to promote your personal portal or business portal or even products, is to share their story on social media."

I would like to add, "A story is worthy content for the audience and if they connect with the story, they are likely to move to your "Our Services" page and have curiosity and interest about exploring your site. It can be 'My Story', 'Our Story' or the 'Product Story' of the new product that you have launched. Even in online advertising, the story as landing page can be magical in attracting the first time visitors."
In fact, digital storytelling is a low cost tool for brand building, which very few SMEs or small and medium enterprises are using currently.

3) How do stories integrate?

Great storytelling is like sculpting. To create great statues you have to cut the flab, sharpen the crucial points and work on refining the nuances till it becomes a masterpiece worth worshiping.

Storytelling is a powerful integrator. Brand or Professional Storytelling like a cocktail is a mix of sweet emotions and sour logic, bitter education and sweet entertainment into the spirit of reputation or brand building. To understand the holistic power of storytelling, let us see how it integrates the different components :-

#1. Online and offline brand integration

#2. Social media and mass media integration

#3. Self interest with others’ interest

#4. Edutainment or education plus entertainment

#5. Emotions with logic

#8. Personal with business brand

(Find out more on how stories integrate here, "Professional Storytelling-The Heady Cocktail")

4) Why stories for organisation branding?

Stories can be told in a single line and anecdote or can take the shape of a autobiography/novel or even a series. Stories stay in our mind or memory and also help us attract more customers .

Anecdotes are a powerful tool of sharing your successes and provide meaningful content to the audience at the same time. They help in forming a connect, building relationships and trust which may lead to collaborations or leads for business.

5) Why Stories for personal branding?

Brands are built by consistent communication of the attributes in an interesting way. Storytelling meets all these conditions and Stories stay in our mind or memory. Branding is also about staying on top of the mind and becoming memorable for the right qualities.

Anecdotes are a powerful tool of sharing your successes and provide meaningful content to the audience at the same time. They help in forming a connect, building relationships and trust which may lead to collaborations or leads for business.

6) How stories inspire action?

Stories inspire action and also connect emotionally and build reputation. Stories inspire action by providing role models who win against odds, by directly asking readers to take action and through interactive storytelling.

In the end, we all will become storytellers. Our hearts connect to stories, our brains are wired for stories and our ears want to listen to stories. We want our stories to be heard because our experiences are stories, our complaints are stories and sometimes the biggest burden on our soul, are our untold stories.

Great people / legends leave behind legendary stories and great souls write inspiring stories.

Let’s co-create an inspiring-touching story of you and your organisation. 

To know more, write to us at amit@dramitnagpal.com.

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Dr Amit Nagpal is an Online Branding Expert, Social Media Influencer & renowned Storyteller. His unique skill lies in inspirational storytelling, anecdotes/ storytelling on social and online media for brand building. He has more than 15 years of work experience in training/coaching and corporates. He has a unique personal story and has featured in several TV, newspaper and online interviews. He tweets at @DrAmitInspires. To follow/connect on social media, visit OneBio.Me.
Speaker/Trainer-He has conducted training for reputed organisations including Accenture, Tata Communications, GD Goenka World Institute, PRSI, and DMA and so on.
Coach-He has coached many CEOs, knowledgepreneurs and top professionals in brand storytelling.
Author-He is a LinkedIn Influencer and his blog “Enlarge Excel Evolve” is listed among best business blogs on Alltop.com. He has published 2 books and several eBooks on brand building.
AL Services-Dr Amit Nagpal is Chief Inspirational Storyteller at AL Services. AL Services offers content development/story writing, consulting, training and other services in the area of brand storytelling.
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(Image via Shutterstock,)


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