Want to Learn Storytelling? - Free eBook for 'Aspiring Storytellers'

Our previous eBook, "The Power of Storytelling" has got 10,000 + downloads in less than one year (including 5,200 on Scribd itself).

Inspired by the immense success of our previous eBook, we decided to inspire 'Aspiring Storytellers' and guide them step by step in the storytelling journey. The eBook also includes sections on Brand Storytelling FAQ, Storytelling on Social media and Resources/suggested readings. Bon Voyage!!!

An Introduction
My life has been a pretty interesting story. Sometimes I jokingly say, “Sometimes your 'life' itself is such a story, that 'story' has to come to your life.”
My beloved teacher Michael Margolis says that social media has democratized storytelling and I have joined his movement to spearhead storytelling to the masses. Sometime back, a friend came to me and told me, "I want to be a storyteller too. What can I do to become one or is it a gift from God rather?"

I replied with a subtle smile, "Probably God first makes you an idealist and then surrounds you with unidealistic circumstances all around. This gift of 'a bundle of contradictions' exposes one to the weirdness of life. Weirdness and contradictions of life often make for great stories. The best stories are often inspired by the beloved or the divine. And then like any other skill, it is practice, practice and more practice." This is how the idea to create this e-book was born and named.

Future of humanity
In the end, we all will become storytellers. Our hearts connect to stories, our brains are wired for stories and our ears want to listen to stories. We want our stories to be heard because our experiences are stories, our complaints are stories and sometimes the biggest burden on our soul, are our untold stories.
Great people / legends leave behind legendary stories. Great souls write inspiring stories. Great angels in our life keep with themselves our stories of failures and mistakes-our embarrassing stories.
So, are you ready with your “Inspiring Story”?

Let’s co-create an inspiring-touching story of you and your organisation. To know more, write to us at amit@dramitnagpal.com.

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Brief Profile
Dr Amit Nagpal is Chief Inspirational Storyteller at AL Services. He is a Social Media Influencer, Author, Speaker/Trainer and Coach. He tweets at @DrAmitInspires.
His special interest and expertise lies in inspirational storytelling, anecdotes and visual storytelling. AL Services offers content development/story writing, consulting, training and other services in the area of brand storytelling.
(Image via Shutterstock,)
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