Quest for Unconditional Love for Your & My Soul

The human quest for unconditional love continues till we live. Here are some anecdotes and musings, which may inspire and point the right direction to you.

Unconditional love doesn't look for someone deserving
The disciple, "As per your advice, I have begun giving unconditional love. Yet my stupid mind keeps looking for someone deserving of the love. Isn't that a condition in itself?"

The Guru, "I am glad to see you evolve and move one step ahead. Yes, unconditional love doesn't even look for someone deserving. It just flows from a person who is overflowing with love. Though it may take the form of loving energy, money, efforts, time and so on. Yet the giver need not get pressurised by expectations. The beauty of unconditional love is the surprise element and it is not supposed to meet any expectations."

And he added, "Let the Universe decide who deserves it but you keep it just unconditional, not caring whether it goes to a saint or a rogue. Just pray in the morning, "I am overflowing with love. Let serendipity find the right recipient.""

The Unconditional Love
Give me a split-second soulful smile.
Say that single word in a loving style.

Spend an affectionate moment & say goodbye,
I will happily let the time fly.
Just, just, just don't mention in the fine-print,
"Terms and conditions apply".

The Higher Story
When you make an honest attempt to rise above base feelings into higher emotions, you evoke higher emotions in the other person too.

And the highest of all emotions is surely 'unconditional love'.
Have a love-filled day and write a higher story.

The Love and Pride Story
And she asked him, "So you want me to stay fit, look good and have high self esteem too. If not, you won't love me. It means your love is conditional."

And he replied, "Absolutely not. My love is unconditional and I love you irrespective of anything. Yet my pride in you is conditional and subject to these factors. Do you want me to have pride in you? I want you to have pride in me."

The Globe Questor
No... he was least interested in being a globetrotter. He was rather a globequestor on the quest of the how and why of unconditional love.

Who knew that in this exhilarating quest, he would meet the most beautiful people on the planet, visit the most beautiful places across globe and explore the beauty of unconditional love, in a journey spanning six continents, multiple cultures and a plethora of relationships (among humans/other living beings).

And thus began his exciting yet quest full story.

And what do you do to make a living?
They asked the storyteller, ''Stories are fine but how do you make a living ?''

The Storyteller, ''I will answer in 2 parts,
'What I do for a living?' and 'What I do to ensure I am fully living?'

To make a living, I assist people in inspirational storytelling and organisations in brand storytelling.

What I do to ensure I am fully living, is to give, receive and quest for the 'unconditional love (stories).'

The Unconditional Story
''She kept the condition that she would love him, if he had money.
It was saddening end of a story.

Then came the twist in the story. Someone walked into his life and gave him unconditional love.

He showered her with money and all that life could offer. And they lived and loved happily thereafter.''

Conditional and Unconditional Love
The inquisitive disciple went to the Guru and asked, "What is the difference between conditional and unconditional love?"

The Guru, "Love is always unconditional" With a sarcastic smile he further added, "What is conditional is not love and is rather a well negotiated emotional energy exchange deal."
Brief Profile

Dr Amit Nagpal is Chief Inspirational Storyteller at AL Services. He is an Author, Speaker/Trainer and Coach. He is also a Social Media Influencer and blogs on Linkedin as LinkedIn Influencer-MarketingHis special interest and expertise lies in inspirational storytelling, anecdotes and visual storytelling for brand building. To know more, visit

AL Services offers content development/story writing, consulting, training and other services in the area of brand storytelling. To know more, write to 


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