You Have a Story, I Have A Story

And We All Have a Story

A Happening Story
When you happen to learn, "telling stories from your heart and soul", the Universe also comes to your aid........ by making your life, a 'Happening Story'.

You have a story, I have a story....and We all have a story
Sometimes people fall in love with 'Story'....sometimes it's their 'Story' that makes you fall in love (and empathize) with people.

And magic happens when you put yourself in another person's story.

The Higher Story
When you make an honest attempt to rise above base feelings into higher emotions, you evoke higher emotions in the other person too.

And the highest of all emotions is surely 'unconditional love'.
Have a love-filled day and write a higher story.

The 'Tough Love' Story
The Universe loves us though it has its own style of tough love. 

Tough in the form of relationships which come as hard lessons and love in the form of relationships which come as sheer blessings.

We need to become strong and wise to embrace and trust this "tough love story". Isn't this, one good enough reason, not to give up but to hold on ?

A Double edged Story
Suffering is a doubled edged story. Some get characterized into heartless and emotionless. Some live soulfully and mindfully thereafter.

Wishing you an amazing story-full Year in 2014.

The Solitude Stories
Beautiful ideas are like shy introverts. 

They come and meet you in solitude and silence, leaving behind memorable stories.

The Today's Story

"The 'tomorrow' was unreliable and uncertain.
He lived the 'today' fully, as if it were the complete story."

And Miracles Begin....

The disciple-What do you do, when you like someone deeply, yet a miracle is needed for you to be together?

The Guru- First of all, believe in miracles. Then start praying for miracles and take wise actions to manifest the miracles.

And miracles begin.....


The Holistic Story

Flowers mesmerize with their fragrance.
A beauty immensely pleasing to the eye.

Flowers inspire by their selfless giving of the nectar.
A divine sensuality which touches the very soul.

Flowers unfold a miracle of nature with a holistic story.


And then Emerged her Storyteller

"She was sincere, yet she was a drama. Or may be she was a sincere drama. She would let her hair down, let those long- flowing, beautiful hair down....and then emerged her storyteller.''


The Innocence Story

And they asked the storyteller, ''What inspires you the most? "

The storyteller, "Innocent smiles. Be it of children, women or men. Innocence seems to be an endangered trait in our times, even among children. We surely need a return to innocence."

Brief Profile

Dr Amit Nagpal is Chief Inspirational Storyteller at AL Services. He is an Author, Speaker/Trainer and Coach. He is also a Social Media Influencer and blogs on Linkedin as LinkedIn Influencer-MarketingHis special interest and expertise lies in inspirational storytelling, anecdotes and visual storytelling for brand building. To know more, visit

AL Services offers content development/story writing, consulting, training and other services in the area of brand storytelling. To know more, write to 


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