Inspirational Storytelling of People, Brand Storytelling of Business and Other Stories

What Type of Stories do you Love to Tell ?

And they asked the storyteller, "What is the storytelling niche you specialize in and you love to tell?"

The reply, "Well that's a good question.

For the sake of the playful soul, I do inspirational storytelling of people.
For the sake of the loving heart, I do romantic storytelling of the 'stupid cupid'.
For the sake of the material body, I do brand storytelling of organizations.

My mind decides the ratio among the three.

And my audience can tell it better, which niche I do the best or in other words, love the most."

The Symbolic Wedding Ring

"I was traveling by air and had a beautiful lady sitting beside me, on my right side literally. There was no one on the left, front and one to talk to. I am a networker who can't be silent for too long. So I decided to break the ice with the lady next.

I had noticed she was wearing the wedding ring in the wrong finger. So I asked her the reason for the particular finger. Pat came her reply. "It is symbolic because I am married to the wrong person."

I told her, "We don't marry the wrong person. We rather marry the blessing or the lesson."
Pat came another reply. "Gentleman, you are right but how do I know he is there to give me a lesson or I am here to give him a lesson?"

Well all my wisdom vanished at that point of time and I was left speechless. She not just had beauty.....but had brains too."

(My adapted version of a story shared by a friend)


The Belief Story

It's all in the be precise it's all in the 'beliefs'.

Believe in limitations or believe in miracles, either way they come true.

----------------In Awe of the Teacher

The storyteller wrote a letter of gratitude to thank the teacher.

The teacher replied, "Delighted to have stirred your heart with your own deepest wisdom."

The teacher's humility made the storyteller, even more in awe of him.

And the teacher happily guided the disciple, to discover even deeper inner wisdom thereafter.

The Twinflame Story

They were a twinflame...part of the same flame of the same candle.
They were a single soul .....yet living two stories.

A Playful Storyteller

The mind is a boring-facts seller.
The heart, "A playful storyteller". 


Brief Profile

Dr Amit Nagpal is Chief Inspirational Storyteller at AL Services. He is an Author, Speaker/Trainer and Coach. He is also a Social Media Influencer and blogs on Linkedin as LinkedIn Influencer-MarketingHis special interest and expertise lies in inspirational storytelling, anecdotes and visual storytelling for brand building. To know more, visit

AL Services offers content development/story writing, consulting, training and other services in the area of brand storytelling. To know more, write to 


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