Every Life is a Story, Every Story Must be Brought to Life

Forget about New Year Resolutions, Just Write an Amazing Story in 2014

 Life is a Simple Story
The faster you evolve as a human being, the quicker you move into the zone of magic.

Life is just that simple a story.

The Cribbing Story
He cribbed, ''God you have given me unusual problems.'' She said,'' I have also given you unusual joys.''

He cribbed, ''But you have not given me some of the usual joys everyone gets.'' She replied, ''But then I have not given you usual problems.''

He said, ''God, I have lost the debate.''

The Playful Couple
She had a huge male fan following. In a way, he respected and liked it. Yet sometimes he would feel insecure when she would shoot her magical smile at someone. She could easily sense that. Sensitive she was surely, so she would just softly hold his hand under the table.

And they playfully winked at each other thereafter.

The Happy Ending
The story is always pending. Till it finds that 'Happy ending'. The struggles & tears must end one day..... with laughter. You sincerely wish, ''And they lived happily thereafter.''

He Joked and Joked and Joked
In spite of all the courage that he had and he mustered, he still could not express his feelings to her. Yet the Universe helped him find a way. So he joked and joked and joked ....and the jokes expressed all that he wanted to express, all that needed to be conveyed.
He felt unburdened and light thereafter.
The Role Model Story
Find a role model life story. Write a role model life story.
Lively Story
The one who lives in the moment.....writes a lively story.

Every Time has a Befitting Story
Every story has it's time, yet every 'time' has its story.
Brief Profile

Dr Amit Nagpal is Chief Inspirational Storyteller at AL Services. He is an Author, Speaker/Trainer and Coach. He is also a Social Media Influencer and blogs on Linkedin as LinkedIn Influencer-MarketingHis special interest and expertise lies in inspirational storytelling, anecdotes and visual storytelling for brand building. To know more, visit www.dramitnagpal.com

AL Services offers content development/story writing, consulting, training and other services in the area of brand storytelling. To know more, write to amit@dramitnagpal.com. 


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