How I Created Internationally Popular Blog in just Six Months?

"Blogging is like Sex. You can't fake it. You can't fake passion. You can't fake wanting to engage with public." Kevin Anderson.
In last week of December 2010, I started my Blog “The Joys of Teaching” and posted one article only in 2010. The series initially began with my experiences as a teacher. Later on I added some posts on life skills which I found lacking in few of my students. The Blog has 200 posts now, which make it an average of 20 Blogs per month (five per week including guest blogs).

I became a teacher due to my passion for teaching and the blog only reflected my passion. For the first 3 months I wrote all the posts but connected extensively on Linkedin internationally. Slowly well known people from all corners of the world, started showing interest in submitting guest posts. I may have personally moved towards the joys of coaching and consulting but the blog shall always remain my first love, the joys of teaching.

Then I started with a series, “Interesting People in my Life” and wrote posts about some of my international friends. The next step was to take interviews of people from various walks of life which was followed by a series on “People who have Inspired me.”

After five months of conception (May 2011) the Blog was listed on (in Work category and Business sub-category) which was a huge achievement keeping in mind the time factor and the fact that I do not have a journalistic background. As the punchline goes, the theme of the Blog is Global Success and it has two sub-themes viz. Personal Branding and Life Skills. The tone used is often motivational as we need a dose of motivation all the time in this mechanical, stressful and materialistic world we live in.

I try to give catchy title to attract attention though sometimes controversial sounding titles have invited the ire of my conservative Indian readers. The all time most popular Blog post for example has been, “Stop the Job Hunt and Let the Job Hunt you” which is about using Linkedin for attracting employer attention. Personal Branding is in fact all about building a pull in our brand so that we don’t have to push hard to sell ourselves.

The Blog now gets traffic from 100 plus countries and has helped me connect with wonderful people from across the globe. The enthusiastic response from readers warms my heart and literally pushes me to set new benchmarks. The superb Guest Blogs now constitute half of the most popular posts. 

Many of the blog posts have become part of stories and it was the Blog only which attracted the attention of and they invited me to write a weekly column on personal branding for them. Here is the link of an interesting article in the series, “Brand You and more” One of the articles in the series, "Develop Your Deepest Passion" was also quoted on the internationally reputed Forbes magazine website.

It is just the beginning and I know I have a long and arduous road to cover in the series. But I know I will keep meeting angels on the way. I have tried to put my soul in my writings though I would still welcome brutally honest and ruthlessly frank feedback of readers.

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 Dr Amit Nagpal is a Global Success Coach and Personal Branding Consultant based in New Delhi, India. His philosophy is, "Take Charge of Your Life and Your Brand."


  1. reading this post gave me goose-bumps..! your journey of blogging is so fascinating.. hats off to you doc!

  2. Thanks for your feedback Prof Manish. All by blessings of God.


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