People Who Have Inspired Me III; Mr William Arruda, World No 1 Personal Branding Guru

1) Tell us about your journey into Personal Branding.
I spent 20 years in corporate branding before starting Reach. In July of 1997, I read the article The Brand Called You by Tom Peters in Fast Company magazine. That article convinced me that personal branding sits at the intersection of my two greatest passions - branding and developing people. After reading the article, I decided I would start the first global personal branding company. Then, in 2001, I left the corporate world and founded Reach. There were only five of us in the world doing personal branding at that time. It was the start of a new movement.

2) Tell us in brief about Reach Personal Branding? What services are offered to its clients by Reach Personal Branding?
Reach is focused on helping individuals and organizations build and nurture strong brands. Founded in 2001 by William Arruda, Reach is the global leader in personal branding. We provide talent development services to companies and organizations, personal branding certification for coaches, HR executives and consultants and personal branding products and services for individuals. Our goal is to help professionals be their best by unearthing what makes them exceptional and integrating it into everything they do. In simple words, we believe “What makes you unique, makes you successful.”
Reach Methodology is being used by over 500 Reach-certified Personal Branding Strategists and 360Reach Analysts in 23 countries.

3) Tell us something about Personal Branding TV.
Personal Branding TV is the #1 multi-media resource with hundreds of videos and audio files focused exclusively on personal branding. It brings together the best advice from me, The Reach-certified Personal Branding Strategists and our guests. You'll find tips and techniques for uncovering and expressing your brand along with videoBIOs from Reach-certified Strategists.
The site also houses my popular Commercial Breaks and the audio content from the Reach Personal Branding interview series.

4) What has been your most amusing/unforgettable experience as a Personal Branding Consultant?
There have been so many fun and interesting and impactful experiences. A recent really funny experience took place here in New York City. I was asked by Lifetime TV to deliver the keynote at a launch event for a new career show they were promoting. The event was outside in Union Square Park. Few people knew about the event, so many of the people who heard my keynote just happened to be passing through the park. At one point in my presentation, I asked the audience if they had a linkedIN profile and the only person to raise his hand was a homeless man who was wheeling a shopping cart past the stage.

5) What does the brand ‘William Arruda’ stand for?
My brand is about optimism, energy and innovation. I believe everyone can realize their full potential when they put who they are into what they do and how they do it. I believe in diversity down to the level of the individual - that each person has a unique ingredient to contribute.

6) I noticed on your profile that one of your interests is New York city. What do you love and hate about New York?
I have lived in many cities - Boston, London, Paris - and they are all great in their own way, but New York is the place I feel most at home. It moves at my pace (very fast!), has amazing people from every part of the world and changes every day.

7) What is Reach Branding Club all about?
The Club helps you build your personal brand, stand out from your peers and reach your career goals with our combination of on-demand webinars, weekly self-directed activities, networking opportunities and teleseminars. At the Reach Branding Club (RBC), you expand your success at your pace with the proven personal branding process and insider branding secrets from Reach, the global leader in personal branding. The three main areas are Job search and career advancement, Business Suilding and employee empowerment. For more, check the link

William Thank You so much for sparing your precious time. Your extraordinary success in a short span of 10 years reminds me of the 5 choices to extraordinary productivity by Stephen Covey

Act on the important, don't react to the urgent.
Go for extraordinary, don't settle for ordinary
Schedule the big rocks, don't sort gravel.
Rule your technology, don't let technology rule you
Fuel the fire, don't burn out
Brief Profile
Time Magazine calls him a leader in his field. Air Canada Magazine says he’s the world’s leading personal brander. Forbes calls him a charisma booster and Entrepreneur Magazine dubbed him the personal branding guru.

William Arruda is a leading authority on using the power of branding to succeed in your career. A pioneer in the personal branding revolution, he founded Reach in 2001 after 20 years of working on corporate brands. Now, Reach is the global leader in personal branding with representatives in 23 countries around the globe.

William is the author of the best-selling career book - Career Distinction: Stand Out by Building Your Brand. He is a sought-after spokesperson on branding, online identity and employee motivation. His clients include Adobe, JP Morgan, BMW, Johnson & Johnson, Warner Bros, Disney, Morgan Stanley, Procter and Gamble, American Express and Microsoft.



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