Interview with Dhara Kothari, Spiritual Lounge, Mumbai

1) Dhara, tell us about your organizations and e-magazines.
We have an international organization called Spiritual Lounge that was launched in Jan 2010. Other companies include Snow Flakes Enterprises and Moksa Publishers. As for e-magazines we have started with the Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine and will be starting another e-magazine called Rain Drops that is related to stories, poetry, and general literary entertainment.

2) Spirituality is believed to be an inner calling. Tell us about your journey into spirituality and how it has transformed you.
When I was a child, I remembered a part of my previous life but I somehow never felt afraid nor was I ever confused about it. In fact I considered such things as part of a normal life, only later did I realize it was not normal. I used to ask questions related to who I am and find answers within myself at a time when my peers would play with dolls. I would just know things and easily understand deep philosophical and spiritual things without knowing what they were called or termed. I remember telling myself that I know where my calling is but later through growing years, priorities changed. But I could not remain away from my true destiny that was created by me in the first place. I have always been a communicator, with myself and with others and would love chatting with wise and knowledgeable people. I seriously got interested in Science way back in junior school but realized that science and spirituality are the same only few years later.
Spirituality has not transformed me; it has always been a part of me. In fact I always knew but did not put in words back then that I am a spiritual soul experiencing Earth life and not enjoying it at all. Why? Simply because I have seen and even experienced the life beyond Earth and believe me, it is truly amazing. I have experienced even for a moment what true bliss is and I want it forever! Earth life or living on Earth plane is absolutely nothing compared to it, believe me! I cannot even describe it, despite being a fairly good writer. It is not a feeling or even a simple experience, it is something much, much beyond that. I guess you’ll know when you get there. Everybody will, sooner or later.

3) Tell us about your flagship company
The flagship company is called Snow Flakes Enterprises (SFE). is part of Snow Flakes Enterprises. This is our media site that was launched in Dec 2005. It started as a citizen reporting site but evolved into a general news site.

4) How do you and your partner Biren Shah share the business responsibilities?
Biren handles not only technical matters of the e-magazines, websites, events, etc., but also the day to day matters of the SFE. Whereas, I handle the creativity side of the e-magazines and content of the e-magazines, sites, events, etc. As far as Moksa and Spiritual Lounge are concerned, I handle most of it myself with help from others too. So far Spiritual Lounge or the e-magazine is not making any money though I don’t mind making money over it.

5) Tell us about your hobbies and interests.
The whole Universe is an interest to me  my chief hobbies include; music, entertainment, water sports, besides many others.

6) What are the future plans for self and your organizations?
Money is important only because this body needs to survive on Earth nicely. I want more and more people to become spiritual, turn inward rather than depend on someone else for all the good or the bad happening in their lives. I want more and more people to realize their inner true self and would love to spread awareness related to it. Spiritual Lounge needs to expand beyond just being an online organization to offline mode by establishing Spiritual Centers. Creating an offline platform as well as online one too!
As far as e-magazines go, electronic publishing is what I am into and will be. Should anyone be interested in creating specialized e-magazines, e-books, audio books and magazines can always contact me. Communication has always been open personally and professionally.
My own future plans? Handle all these projects, discover more of myself and make sure I do my best to get out of this cycle of birth and death for good!
Brief Profile

Dhara Kothari is a professional writer and publisher based in Mumbai. She is a spiritualist and an entrepreneur.





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