The Road to Self-Mastery

Select Quotes from Mastering Self with Life Mantras

People are of 3 types. First ones gather energy from the world to fight with their family members (Forgive them for they carry emotional baggage). Second ones gather energy from their families to fight with the world (most of us belong to this category). Third ones, a rare species gather energy from their families and the world to fight with themselves to become better and better human beings.
Some are stuck with dependence, some want just independence and some have learnt the art of interdependence.
 You can be in a relationship all the time, sometimes with nature, sometimes with people, sometimes with God..........but don't forget to relate within. Happy Living.
My fellow passenger looked very sophisticated and educated. So I asked him, from where have you done your schooling and college? He replied, I matriculated from Saint Suffering School and then went to the College of Frustration Studies and did my higher studies from the “University of Life.
Inner beauty comes from a stress free mind and a confident, giving personality. Someone has rightly said, worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.
I change, Everything changes.
Ducks quack about problems, eagles soar above problems. So what have you done today? quack, quack or soar, soar. (Inspired by case study, Ducks quack, Eagles soar)
Earlier, I used to ask people, "How is Life treating you?" Now I ask, "How are you treating Life"
Life is a stress interview being taken by God. If you keep smiling at life no matter what, one day life falls in love with you and bursts into a roar of laughter.
 I asked "So what are you doing these days" He said, "Trying to write my own destiny."
Meditation can convert anger fume into perfume. Happy Meditating.
Mastering Self with Life Mantras is my Facebook page and has original quotes written by me.
 Copyright reserved

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