6 Steps to Becoming an Expert on Quora

Quora is considered world’s No 1 question answer website and membership is limited to invitees only. It has many CEOs and top management staff as members.
(As defined on the home page of Quora, Quora is a continually improving collection of questions and answers created, edited and organized by everyone who uses it.) A person known to you has to send you an invite to join Quora. Once you have registered, you have to follow just six simple steps to become an expert in your field.

Step 1 Find People You Know
Once you have found the people you know, you can click the Follow button and check the topics they are following.

Step 2 Choose the topics to follow
Choose the topics/areas of interest to follow. You can read the questions and answers on these topics

Step 3 Start answering questions
Start answering the questions in the area in which you want to demonstrate your expertise. You can raise questions also, but answering is a better way of demonstrating knowledge.

Step 4 Voting up the answers
Voting up the answers you like, is a way of approving or appreciating answers you like. The more an answer is appreciated, the more it will be voted up. (There is an option of voting down also)

Step 5 Always comment on the answers given to your questions.
Unlike Linkedin, you can answer your own questions on Quora. Always give feedback to the people who have answered your questions.

Step 6 Get ready to be declared as an international expert
The more high quality (and quantity) answers you give, the more followers you will get and you will start becoming an expert in your field. Choose niche topics and emerging areas to begin with, as it would be easier to demonstrate your expertise there.

All the Best. Happy Quora-ing

To watch the video on Quora, click here:-

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Dr Amit Nagpal holds a PhD in New Media and is a Holistic Personal Branding Consultant. He may be reached at amitknagpal@gmail.com

Dr Nagpal's blog has readership in 100 plus countries and his group on LinkedIn has members from more than 30 countries.


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