My Story

(Story narrated by Dr Amit Nagpal, Storytelling & Personal Branding Coach, Speaker and Author. To know more visit

As a child, I was an unconscious storyteller and naturally resorted to stories to explain situations and concepts. Stories have become a major part of my life and I am more than happy to share some of the major milestones and interesting stories from my life, which has been a wonderful journey.

I was living an ordinary life until I was introduced to the science of meditation. In the rat race of the current world, my creativity was being dampened. Meditation helped me regain it after few years of consistent practice. What followed thereafter resulted in social media success and a discovery of a formula.

Finding my direction

Social Media Success = Mindful Content + Passionate Engagement + Heartfelt Collaboration 

How I created this formula is an interesting story in itself and a very important part of my professional life. During self-reflection, I realized I had learnt 3 life lessons, which led me to create this formula. During content creation and posting, sharing of our emotions - experiences takes a priority and audience becomes secondary. We need to find a balance where we create content straight from the heart yet keeping in mind the audience interests and aspirations.

The first life lesson was that - mindful, audience-centric content can only be generated with an uncluttered mind. It must add value to people’s lives by motivating, energizing and/or helping them resolve their current life challenges. 

The second life lesson was that - an uncluttered mind helps you connect with yourself at a deeper level. With increased self-awareness, you are able to realize what motivates and inspires you deeply. Once you discover your deep passion, passionate engagement happens naturally. Passionate engagement touches hearts and lives of your audience and helps you form an emotional connect. 
The third lesson was that heartfelt collaboration comes through trust and collaborative efforts which requires risk taking and an attitude of win-win.

Nothing succeeds like passion-inspired success and nothing fails like the self-esteem’s failure. I had already experienced the latter part and began to move in the direction of the former.

Finding my life’s purpose

My belief is, ‘What we unconsciously do, is what we are born to do.’ I was a born storyteller. I loved case study method while pursuing management education, which is nothing but storytelling. I started my blog with an anecdote (short true story). As a teacher-trainer I had used stories frequently. 

My first book is about the story of TV news in India. My second book has plenty of stories from my life and the lessons which they brought. At a conscious level I had not realised that storytelling is the final piece in my life’s puzzle. I had not realised that storytelling combines my passions (writing, inspiring), strengths (empathy, psychology) and education/experience (marketing, branding) together. And one fine day I realized the immense power of stories to inspire people, energize action, connect emotionally, build reputation and entertain us at the same time. Fortunately, brand storytelling (on social media) also provided me an opportunity to teach, coach and emotionally connect with people.

Storytelling is full of depth and meaning. Story delivers information, connects people on an emotional level and builds community. Now I feel like a consciously passionate storyteller. As Picasso says, ''The meaning of life is to find your gift and the purpose of life is to give it away.'' What we are gifted with, we will start doing it unconsciously and effortlessly. After finding our gift, we must give it away. My life purpose is to support my clients in telling their own and organisation stories. 

I love storytelling all the more because stories humanize our mechanical world. At the intersection of storytelling, branding and inspiration, I began to connect the dots backwards and understood how my education, jobs and life experiences have been conspiring to lead me towards this path.

May my story become your story too!

Now I realize, my passion for inspirational storytelling is so deep, 'The Secret' had begun to apply. The right people had started coming. The right situations got created. The right mind-set began to emerge from within. 

Now I want people to see what I see. I want to connect at a wider and a deeper level. May you too regain your creativity, gain clarity and find your life purpose. There comes one day when you connect the dots and understand the role of each character in your story. You find the significance behind every struggle and every villain. The dots don't look like dots anymore. One rather tends to see the curve and deep meaning behind every crest and every trough of life. You want to share your excitement with the world. 

And the eventful day, on which you discover your life purpose, you begin to dance like a wave. And the ripples begin to spread. 


Let us start the conversation on WhatsApp : 95825 60804

(Specialties- Social Media/Content Marketing, Personal Branding and Digital Storytelling)


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