Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena blesses Bloggers Alliance Team

"Meditation is experiencing Buddha-hood within oneself. 
Compassion is spreading the fragrance of Buddha-hood in all directions." - 
Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena

Bloggers Alliance journey began with the blessings of Venerable Sanghasena at Leh, Ladakh, India. 

World renowned Buddhist Monk, Bhikkhu Sanghasena, Founder President, Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC), Leh-Ladakh and Founder of Save the Himalayas Foundation, released ‘Blogger Vlogger’ on the momentous occasion (quarterly magazine of Bloggers Alliance). Bloggers Alliance is a non-profit association of bloggers, storytellers and creators and will be officially launched shortly. 

Sanghasena noted, “Media needs to focus more on inspiring stories of people who are working for social change and pressing global problems such as climate change and melting of glaciers.” He conveyed his best wishes to the Bloggers Alliance team and empahsised on the importance of coverage of positive news. 
The monk is admired globally for his concept of ‘compassion in action and meditation in action’. 

The inaugural issue of Blogger Vlogger, highlights the story of Sanghasena and my upcoming book “Heroes Amongst Us’, having stories of 32 people, who are living their passion. In the first phase, various chapters will be launched in major cities of India and international chapters will also be established in the second phase.

Blogger Vlogger, quarterly newsletter of Bloggers Alliance being launched by the eminent personalities.
Left to right-
NarvijayYadav (President, Bloggers Alliance, Chandigarh chapter), Dr Amit Nagpal, Sarika Chaudhary, Binod Chaudhary (Chairman, Chaudhary group, Nepal) Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena, Dr Susanne von der Heide (Chairperson, HimalAsia Foundation) and Dr Noor Gillani (Retd NASA scientist and Founder The Pyar Foundation)

Blogger Vlogger comprises blogging tips, upcoming events and workshops, inspiring stories of bloggers and more. Bloggers Alliance was planned after Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple, gave a sweeping statement in an interview in early last year that Indians lack creativity.

I looked for like-minded people, did the necessary research and administrative work and we decided to launch the Alliance soon. Devendra Jaiswal (Co Founder), Dr Prakash Hindustani (Member, Advisory Board), Preeti Subberwal (Vice President) and Narvijay Yadav (President Chandigarh Chapter) are founder members of the alliance. 

The Journey begins. 

Self realization of life: Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena at TEDxLeh


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