Application of Gaming in New Media Marketing
Application of Gaming in New Media Marketing Publisher, IGI Global, USA Global Release- September, 2018 Editors : Dr Pratika Mishra and Dr Swatti Dham I am honored to contribute a chapter on "Understanding the psychology of new media audiences from a marketing perspective" in the upcoming book by IGI Global entitled, "Application of Gaming in New Media Marketing". The book will be released globally in September 2018. The Story Behind the Book Advergames lie at the intersection of interactive games and digital advertising. It creates a win win situation for the advertiser/ marketer who gets a chance to promote the products and the game player who gets a chance for entertainment and fun. Gaming is also potent as it creates a competitive spirit in the player and its high level of engagement makes it a powerful marketing tool. The book takes a deep dive into the application of gaming in new media marketing. It has contributions from both academicians and pract...