Eleven Books, One Story

Five Books + 6 Chapters (in six different books)

"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."- Ernest Hemingway

My Journey as Writer
My journey as a writer (or rather poet) began with a Hindi poem  in 1985 as a school student. For a long fifteen years I only wrote poetry except a piece or two of prose. I began writing magazine articles around 2001 and blogs around 2010. I had became a published author in 2007, when a case study written by me was included in a reputed book "Marketing in the New Global Order" (edited by IIM Indore Professor Tapan K Panda)

In the past decade, I have written 5 books (and 6 chapters in 6 books) about diverse subjects. Obviously some people feel surprised by the range of topics I have written about and ask me about my focus area. When I took a deeper look, I realised the common thread in my books and contributions has been storytelling.

The Books
My first book, "From News to Infotainment to Tamasha" was based on my PhD thesis and told the story of TV news in India, its past, present and the likely future.

My second book "The Seven Joys of Life" (with Foreword by Alan Jacobs) shared anecdotes /stories from my own life. I have shared many of my mistakes, failures and learning, which make it a very authentic read.

My third book, "Personal Branding, Storytelling and Beyond" with co-author Dr Prakash Hindustani (with Foreword by Jennifer Sertl) discusses storytelling on social and digital media in detail.

Six Chapters Contributed
I have contributed a chapter (audio interview) on personal branding through storytelling. 
in an audio book "You B You". The audio book has been compiled by Runa Magnus, well known personal branding expert (based in Iceland) and has interviews of 8 personal branding experts from across the world on various aspects of personal branding.

"Marketing in the New Global Order", has a case study story (Hatsun Foods-Excellent Brain behind the Supply Chain). as my contribution The book has been edited by well known professors  viz Prof Tapan K Panda (IIM Indore) and Prof Naveen Donthu.

Recently I contributed a chapter (Self Regulation in context of New Media) in another book entitled, "Media Laws and Ethics" which has contributions from the top media academicians in the country. The book has been edited by renowned news anchor & journalist turned academician Dr Vartika Nanda and has a Foreword by KG Suresh, renowned media expert and Director General, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi. 

In 2018, I have contributed 2 interesting chapters. One is a chapter entitled "People Storytelling in context of Employer Branding" in People Management in 21st Century-Practices and Challenges, McGraw Hill Education. Another chapter is on "Understanding the Psychology of New Media Audiences from a Marketing Perspective" in the book by IGI Global entitled, "Application of Gaming in New Media Marketing"

Another chapter contributed by me in Amazon global bestseller "Holistic Wellness In The New Age " talks about how storytelling can be used as an emotional healing tool.

I have also written an ebook "Spiritual Tools for Material Success" which is for free circulation.

Writing is Painstaking
Writing is painstaking as one needs to sculpt words. One needs to rewrite and edit at least 2-3 times to create good content. To create great content, one may needs 5 or more rounds of editing and word sculpting.

I learnt ‘Word sculpting’ from Dr Janet Smith Warfield, a well known author based in Florida, USA. It requires cutting the flab or removing unnecessary words, making it more impactful by adding emphasis, dramatization if required and so on.

A Final Word

Though the topics of the eleven books are varied, yet storytelling is the common thread in all the nine books. It has been an interesting dive in the ocean of storytelling from brand storytelling to inspirational storytelling, from anecdotes to personal brand storytelling, from employer brand storytelling to new media storytelling and from storytelling as a healing tool to case study storytelling.

Three cheers to the power of Story and Storytelling.

Links to Buy
Amazon India
Amazon UK
Amazon Canada
Holistic Wellness in new age is available on Amazon France, Amazon Spain, Amazon Australia and Amazon Brazil.

Blog updated on 17th September, 2022

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Brief Profile

Dr Amit Nagpal, PhD is a Business Storyteller, Speaker and Digital Storytelling Coach. He is one of the pioneers of digital storytelling in India. After working for more than two decades in academics, and corporates (including publishing, television and digital marketing), he realised teaching is meditation and storytelling is his Nirvana. He tweets at @DrAmitInspires.


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