Ghulam Sughra Solangi and Marie Curie-Uncovering Our Greatness
This is a monthly column on becoming a great human being and has two opinions on the subject from eastern and western parts of the world namely Dr Amit Nagpal from India and Michael Thallium from Spain. If you wish to read more articles on this topic, please visit The Joys of Teaching by Dr Amit Nagpal. - See more at: This is a monthly column on becoming a great human being and has two opinions on the subject from eastern and western parts of the world namely Michael Thallium from Spain.and Dr Amit Nagpal from India Michael Thallium, Spain Imagine you are woman. It is not very difficult to do so if you are already one. Now imagine you are a twelve year old girl. Not too difficult either, if you are already one, although I pretty much doubt you would be reading this if you are a twelve year old girl. If so, congratulations, because this is about you.....