And I could see the smiles all around

People want positive energy (or love) and are getting tired of everything else.

Interestingly when I spoke on “Spirituality & Personal Branding” at Ananda Spa in the Himalayas, CIOs took more interest in spirituality and less in reputation management. Surprisingly the three things which they liked most about my presentation were:-

a) How meditation helps us in getting inspiration and how it can bring out inner greatness and passion?
b) The power of storytelling as a self-expression tool.
c) The humour (with a serious touch) in my presentation got a warm response. I said in the very beginning,

Some inspiration comes from my friends,
some of it comes from divine.
Some inspiration comes from the inspiration (muse),
There is nothing I can claim to be mine.
Hence no copyright deserved.

And I could see the smiles all around. To add to the beautiful experience of Ananda, a CIO stood up and gave a standing ovation.

And words cannot express beyond a point. May the Universe bless us all!

(It was a pleasure to be a Speaker along with Dr Ram Charan, world renowned Business Guru, Academic & Author ( at Meet The Leaders (CIO meet). A truly humble man who prefers an OHP projector over the LCD)
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Brief Profile
Dr Amit Nagpal is Chief Inspirational Storyteller at AL Services. He is a Social Media Influencer,  Author, Speaker/Trainer & Coach. To know more, visit (His special interest and expertise lies in inspirational storytelling, anecdotes and visual storytelling)

AL Services offers content development/story writing, consulting, training and other services in the area of brand storytelling. To know more, write to 


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