The CXO was Zapped & other Interesting Anecdotes

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Here are few interesting anecdotes and my notes on storytelling:-


The CXO was zapped
A CXO client of mine, had completed one month of coaching and I gave him an idea to celebrate. In fact it was a weekly assignment. I told him, enjoy a Mills and Boon this weekend. He was zapped and told me, “Neither I am a female, nor I am a romantic. Why do you want me to read M & B”

I said, “The best way to learn the narrative art of storytelling is to read stuff like M & B, where the description of a scene is so vivid, you can almost visualize it in the mind, and can feel transported to the land.

Happy storytelling guys. If you are stressed out with the corporate world, enjoy the right brain side and learn storytelling for branding.


''I am not successful yet, how can I write a success story?''
A good question, which came from a prospective client (a life coach) who considered herself not successful yet, because she had only 2-3 high profile clients. I gave a honest piece of advice. ''If we have been able to get even one good client we must consider ourselves successful and we only need to repeat the success now.

Share your anecdotes (short stories) of success and experiences to begin with and you will soon become successful in the eyes of the society too.

And then you will be ready to share 'The Success Story.' ''
You are amazing and you just need a reminder.

Naked truth is sometimes like an ugly skeleton
A client had this tough question ready for me, early in the morning, "Should I share the complete truth while sharing my story?" I said, "Absolutely not. Naked truth can be as ugly as a skeleton. You must cover it with flesh and clothe it decently."

Truth and authenticity does not mean, being completely bare and unpolished. Our story is supposed to inspire and an ugly skeleton can hardly inspire.

Also I suggest my clients to develop compassion for the characters in their stories. Understand the back story of the villain and explain why the villain behaved like one in the first place.

My personal choice in storytelling is not, "Brutally honest, ruthlessly frank" it rather is "Kindly honest, politely frank."

And the audience will fall in love with your stories.

Very short/One liner stories

E= mc2
“Einstein’s wife once asked him, ‘How much do you love me?’ He replied, ‘You can calculate my loving energy at different points of time using E= mc2. ‘“ 

It might have been true.

 Create the twist in your story
And I told him, "This time, you did not Rock....because it was Hard Rock...(create the twist in your story)"
Watch this space
She was a marketer, so she told him ''Watch this space'' and left him in the lurch without ending the story.


Notes on Storytelling 

Best stories

Best stories often express the moment of truth.....a sudden realization of an important fact of life. No wonder you behave like Archimedes sometimes in those moments and they become everlasting Eureka stories. What say?

Stories and Democracy
Stories are like democracy. They are of the people, for the people and by the people.
Find Your "Role Model Story"
 All human beings have unique challenges and mental blocks. The story which inspires us the most is the story in which the hero/protagonist goes through the same struggles as we do and faces similar challenges.

For example if you are a woman entrepreneur, you feel most inspired by the stories of other (successful) women entrepreneurs. If you have settled in another country, you need a role model who succeeded in another country and so on.

Today we have easy availability of inspiring success stories (through Google etc) and you can find hundreds of people, who came from small towns, poor families, born with physical disabilities and so on. They won against all the odds and are there to inspire us.

Find your role model stories, get inspiration for action and create your own "Touching-Rocking" story. 


Future of humanity
In the end, the entire human race became storyteller. Our hearts connect to stories, our brains are wired for stories and our ears want to listen to stories. We want our stories to be heard because our experiences are stories, our complaints are stories and sometimes the biggest burden on our soul, are our untold stories.

Great legends leave behind legendary stories. Great souls write inspiring stories. Great angels in our life keep with themselves our stories of failures and mistakes-our embarrassing stories.

Miraculous stories
Not only, things have to be seen to be believed, but also things have to be believed to be seen. (Gooch's paradox) No wonder 'Miraculous stories' happen in lives of those who believe in miracles.


Poetic Storytelling

There is every character, in the superhero actor
The superhero has the humility of the side actor, 
Persistence of the villain,  
Leadership of the director,  
Risking capacity of the producer and  
The warmth of an adoring audience.

When the circumstances are trying to make everything zero,
She/he not only wins but brings a smile on every face like a true hero.

 He fell in love with ....every lovely soul.
He started very focused, single-minded towards the goal.
But on the way, he fell in love with every lovely soul.
Stay Unfazed

The one who is dazed (by life) And yet stays unfazed... writes an inspiring story.

Sometimes a smile is so expressive, so soulful, Each smile stays in the mind, becomes a memory. Words are not needed, when the smile says everything,
stay forever like the everlasting story.

So are you ready to share your story? 

(If you wish to learn storytelling, you may check this link of "The New About Me Program" from Get Storied)

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Brief Profile
Brief Profile

Dr Amit Nagpal is Chief Inspirational Storyteller at AL Services. He is an Author, Speaker/Trainer and Coach. He is also a Social Media Influencer and blogs on Linkedin as LinkedIn Influencer-MarketingHis special interest and expertise lies in inspirational storytelling, anecdotes and visual storytelling for brand building. To know more, visit

AL Services offers content development/story writing, consulting, training and other services in the area of brand storytelling. To know more, write to  If you have doubts about the power of storytelling on social media, connect with Dr Nagpal, on Linkedin or Twitter and see for yourself.


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