5 Secrets of Viral Marketing
Click here to add this blog to your feed (subscribe to Blog) How I Used Them To Get The Best Results? Almost at every workshop/training, I am asked, “How do you make your content viral?’ Though I believe, the focus should be on serving the audience, solving its problems and touching hearts & lives, here are five of my secrets, I am sharing for my loyal readers. I also call them 5S of Viral Marketing viz Supercharge, Simplicity, Storytelling, Soulfulness and Spontaneity:- 1) Supercharge -We are drained of energy with the combination of high pressure jobs, family responsibilities and drab routines. Images, text and videos which energise us with their high energy content surely make a powerful impact. Take this example :- ( the most popular image on my social media, till now). What do you want in Life 129 shares 2) Simplicity -Content which is simple yet powerful, touches people more and hence shared virally. Let me give you few examples. Lo...