So, Ladies and Gentlemen, "What's Your Story?"

3E Story Blogathon Post #11 by Peter Sterlacci

For Day 11 of the 3E Story Blogathon, Japan's Personal Branding Pioneer & game changer, Peter Sterlacci begins with the power of storytelling and how storytelling is different from elevator pitch. He then shares his personal mission through a video.

So, what's your Story? 

Just recently I was at a networking event and someone approached me and asked, "So, what's your story?" I was expecting the standard, "So where you you work?" or "So what do you do?". But I now had the opportunity to communicate my story, my character, my why! How exciting!

For many of us this question is likely to catch us off guard and yet nowadays it is our story that has the remarkable power to define who we are and how we are uniquely different from everyone else. 

Nobody has the same story. We might be able to identify with elements of other people's stories, but in the end our story is our own. My good friend and fellow personal branding expert Walter Akana says our stories makes up our 'brand DNA' - they form the code that makes us who we authentically are. 

Your Story is Not Your Pitch! 

People tend to equate their elevator pitch to their story. I firmly believe this is wrong. 

A good elevator pitch is designed to persuade or convince someone to want to know more about our product or service. The end result is ideally a sale. Our story leads others wanting to know more about us. The end result is a belief in who we are. Story guru Michael Margolis expresses it perfectly when he says that "Your story is your brand. You have to get others to believe and identify with your story. When you can so that the need to persuade, convince, or sell disappears." 

I love the fact that Amit has decided to dedicate a blogathon solely to the power of story. Humans are naturally drawn to stories which means Amit is giving the world the opportunity to be drawn to the 30 stories he is curating here. I invite you to connect with me and my story! 

So, what's MY Story? Watch below. 

Known as Japan’s Personal Branding Pioneer", Peter Sterlacci is a sought-after speaker, trainer, and consultant about using personal branding to enhance career and life success. He is one of 15 Master level Reach-Certified Personal Branding Strategists in the world. His company, BeYB, is introducing a leading global personal branding methodology to careerists, corporations, and universities in Japan. Follow Peter on Twitter @PeterSterlacci


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