Generosity Makes Us Great
Two Opinions on Uncovering Our Greatness This is a monthly column on becoming a great human being and has two opinions on the subject from western and eastern part of the world namely Michael Thallium from Spain and Dr Amit Nagpal from India. Michael Thallium, Spain I would say my dear Indian counterpart Dr Amit Nagpal is quite generous, that is what I feel since we started collaborating and writing this series of articles on how to become a great human being. However, my award for generosity goes to my parents. I think all of us have someone in our lives who has been generous to us, and experiencing that can lead you to being generous towards other people. So, generosity is something you can learn the same way you can learn the opposite, too. The Latin word generosus means “of noble birth, noble, excellent in kind, of superior quality.” Generosus was related to the verb genero, which means, “to beget, produce, bring to life, generate. So, generosity is the quality of...