Interview with Ms Kimberly Bordonaro, Personal Branding Consultant, USA

Creating A-ha moments for her clients

1) What are the advantages of personal branding in developing and developed worlds?

The advantages of personal branding are fairly universal and (depending on one’s desired goals) include:
  • Confidence in knowing what sets you apart from others
  • Notoriety as a leader of your industry
  • Ability to charge higher premiums for your services (or salary compensation)
  • Attract more clients you enjoy working with
  • Higher levels of goal achievements
  • Gain larger market presence over your competition

 2) What is unique about your personal branding approach?
Branding is about creating an experience for your audience and the experience that I create is derived from my personal philosophy that I call BrandspirationTM. I draw on lyrics and pop culture to explain branding and marketing concepts. This helps break complex thoughts into “a-ha!” moments for my clients, and it makes the experience fun.

3) Share some interesting experiences you had with your clients.
I specialize in working with Gen-X creative entrepreneurs and professionals, and a majority of those clients are from the branding and marketing industry. I get a lot of surprised looks when I mention this but it actually makes a lot of sense because it is hardest to do for ourselves what we do so well for others. We all need an honest, fresh opinion when it comes to defining ourselves. People in the branding world are no different and truly appreciate the guidance I provide when developing their personal brands.

4) How can we monetize our personal brand?
Monetizing your personal brand begins with having a clear vision of what you want to achieve and then laying out the framework and specific goals that will get you there. In a recent blog post, I outlined 7 Ways to Monetize Your Personal Brand for entrepreneurs that break down some of the common products, services, and events that one could create to monetize their personal brand.

5) Tell us about your career journey and how did you become Personal Branding consultant?
From an early age, I’ve experienced a number of setbacks and tribulations in my life that could have held me back, starting with the unexpected death of my father when I was 15 years old, but I have a very determined and optimistic personality that I’ve used to motivate me towards success instead. I created my first personal branding campaign for myself and that lead to me becoming the youngest public relations director for the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce when I was 21 years old. 

I went on to work in the mortgage industry, training loan offers and real estate professionals how to create powerful reputations through referral marketing strategies before leaving the industry in 2008 after the loss of my mother, just one month before the birth of my firstborn child. That’s when I decided life was too short do what I love so I became a Reach Certified Personal Branding Strategist and founded my personal branding company. In 2011, I founded, a resource community that unites entrepreneurs with information and interviews from experts in areas such as branding, marketing, PR, social media, and more to help them build their personal brands.

Thank you Kimberly for sharing the interesting insights. I really liked your approach of creating a-ha moments for your clients
Brief Profile
Kimberly Bordonaro is a personal branding consultant and teaches creative entrepreneurs how to define their brand and rock their success. She is also the founder of Club Brandspiration, the premier resource community for entrepreneurial personal branding, and regularly blogs about branding with a lyrical twist at 


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