MY BRAND tweet Book; Personal Branding is So Simple
Many people are in awe of Personal Branding and yet feel its a complicated process. It is not necessary to read lengthy articles and spend hours to build your brand. But you must understand the principles of personal branding and make it a way of life. My brand tweet book explains the concept of personal branding with simple 140 characters or less tweets. Yet the message is complete and hard hitting. Like the name of the publisher, once you read it, you Think Aha . And once you start experiencing the magic of personal branding and want to dive deep, then take the help of a consultant and Yo you are all set to become what you aspired. Here are some of the best tips:- Personal branding is a celebration of who you are and if you want to be successful in your career, make your brand your life! Dan Schwabel in Foreword A brand is a promise you make—a promise of value, consistency, and expectations You can mess up once or twice, but by the third time what is consistent is...