Interview with Mr Jon Michail, Founder-Image Group International

Personal Branding...
The new way to ADVANCE your career!

Q & A with Jon-Michail
Founder & CEO- Image Group International
"In the future everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes." Andy Warhol

-That future has now arrived

Q1. Do you handle image management for individuals or organisations or both?
A. We specialise in Personal Brand Image Management, first and foremost. This is complimented by our Corporate Branding division that includes a PR/Crisis Management capability.

Q2. In the case of individuals Personal Branding becoming popular, how is Image Management different from Personal Branding?
A. Image Management and Impressions Management are a part of the Personal Branding process – It is the active (action orientated) part that includes personal development coaching designed to maximise the overall public and private relations process, and our organisation Image Group International has created a step by step system to activate this process.

“If you want to take your career to the next level,
you may need to transform to a new way you do things.”

Q3. What are the major exercises undertaken as art of Image Management?
A. The exercises include numerous aspects. The subject matters we cover in our Foundation Program called Authentic Image Management™ (AIM™) are –

The Intermediary and Advanced Programs include:
Strategic Networking – Boosting Your Chutzpah!
Women in Leadership - “Smashing Beyond the Glass Ceiling, Forever!”
Powerful Negotiations – Creating the Win-Win-Win Triple Bottom Line Outcomes.
Personal Branding Power 360°™ - A Full Service Online Branding Program
“In the first 5 seconds your image affects the people you meet.”

Q4. Perception Management used to be a popular term. Then we moved to Image Management. Now Personal Branding has become the buzzword. Are we moving from less of HR and more of marketing as part of these exercises?
A. Perception Management, Impression Management and Image Management all play a part of the        Personal Branding process –
            It is a hi-touch hybrid model incorporating HR, Marketing, Management and Leadership - and our coaching system has always worked that way – at this point an important distinction to make is that many claim to be “experts” in the “never never” world of the internet and declare that they are all things to all people. In my experience I have seen that many of them are just very good copywriters         – To deliver the hands-on transformational coaching promise to clients is completely different than       just telling or marketing to them to do it; It’s much more credible if you have done it yourself, so the client feels confident to go the extra mile.

Q5. Organisations have a Corporate Communications department. What value addition do you do as an Image Manager?

A. The corporate communication department, unfortunately in many cases, are overly concerned with the written word i.e. issuing press releases and managing media, and less about the high-touch aspect of coaching their people. We work with many corporate departments and I can substantiate that they rarely “coach” their team members. They normally “tell, show, play act, advise, teach”, but rarely do they coach. It is normal practise for us as the image coaches to support hands-on with      their employees if the end game goal is to have a real “transformative” effect. As image coaches we complement the corporate communications team to achieve their outcomes more effectively. No different when we as an organisation engage other communication professionals to maximise our message.
            Bottom line - An effective Personal Brand Manager or Coach is a practitioner that “embodies” the knowledge (walks the walk) not a “theoretician” full of data (talks the talk) that is too frequent in the online world.
            An image manager/coach that really knows his/her stuff but also is self-aware him/herself is an excellent compliment to any Corporate Communications Department and organisation in general. The feedback from our clients, and we have hundreds of testimonials to that effect, is that our unique approach made a measurable difference to their outcome(s) and they would never do it by the old way again –

Thanks Jon, it was a pleasure interacting with you.

Image Group International
Asia / Pacific Head office                  
T : (+613) 9820 4449             
Image Group International is a member of IGI Worldwide


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