Patrick Sonqo- Biryani with Blogger III

"Biryani with Blogger" is a series on blogger interviews where Chief Blogger, Enlarge Excel Evolve Dr Amit Nagpal chats with prominent bloggers of the world over a plate of Biryani. 

The third interview in the series is with Patrick Sonqo, Chief Catalyst and Imaginarian, Sonqos' Worlds. 

Dr Amit Nagpal : How can a person improve his or her intuition and resonance? 

Patrick (Fuss) Sonqo- Everyone has intuition, it’s about how much we are willing to listen and trust. For many people stillness and peace, connectedness to self and nature, and of course going within enhances intuition. Pranayama and Breathwork can also open up intuition. Anytime we get out of the rational, linear, right-brained world we are allowing our intuition to flow. It is often not what we think we want. Intuition gets grounded and confirmed when we experience resonance. For me, when mind, intuition, emotions, and heart become one when I resonate.

Dr Amit : What are Relational Rhythms? How do they help in developing better connectedness and inspire transpersonal development?

Patrick- Relational Rhythms is a system created by me, that allows a conscious connectedness in three realities or worlds, self within, world around, and worlds beyond. The rhythms get activated through Shadow Shifting,(unconscious locks & blocks),that become conscious choices and rhythms that allows to flow. It comes three-fold, intra, inter, and trans-relational rhythms, filling the longing for connectedness. The world around us can be general, beloved, work or educational space. I have developed a whole system with a range of techniques to facilitate the connectedness and actual ability to live and experience the dynamic Relational Rhythms. Experiencing Relational Rhythms is also unlearning and replacing old unconscious stories with new conscious ones. 

I sense the separation from self, our world, and beyond is the main inspiration and longing in transpersonal development, so to make this connectedness on all three levels can be key to transpersonal development. According to Michael Daniels, and others the more meaningful part of transpersonal development is relational-participatory and of course Relational Rhythms are right at the core of this. It opens up connectedness to all four perspectives of Transpersonal Development, inclusive to all religions and yet non-religious.

Given the sometimes popular connotation of spirituality – I want to call the first one Consciousness or Awakening Perspective – the foundation of Relational Rhythms, shifting the unconscious prison into consciousness. The universal principles of compassion and love are present here, as well Non-Duality, and Indigenous Wisdom.

Psychological Perspective – exploring spirit and our relationship with spirit, conscious and spiritual behaviour. Shadow Shifting is based in Jung’s Shadow Work, but also dives into Spiral Dynamics to understand the behaviour of levels of consciousness, memes, and change behaviours, and finally emotional intelligence, to deal with emotions.

Existential and Philosophical Perspective – where consciousness is a crucial part of the human experience. The relational rhythms focus here, developing the profound authentic relationship not only to self and others, but also to spirit, quantum space, God, whatever we choose to call that outside of our control and full understanding. Also weaving Language and Relational Dialectics, by Braxter and Montgomery here.

The Ecological or Living Systems Perspective takes the spiritual connection and consciousness into the natural world, and our ethical and conscious responsibility to all Living Systems, including self. The Crux of Relational Rhythms is how to reach out and stand up for and become part of the Wholeness of the System(s) we call the Universe, and truly play our conscious role in it.

Relational Rhythms are truly right in the heart of transpersonal development and can inspire individuals, organisations, and educational institutions to be connected and whole, and truly express their authenticity beyond self interest and for All.

Dr Amit : Who is using Relational Rhythms? Who does it benefit? 

Patrick We have designed Relational Rhythms to bring value & benefits to those who are longing to reconnect to the hidden Self (Source) within, others, and the Universe, Nature, and all living systems, as well as those who resonate with igniting their Relational Rhythms to stay in the dynamics of the connectedness.

More specifically, those who are awakening to consciousness.

Individuals who are ready to step beyond their existence and into the flow, rhythms & b0unty of life.

Couples who are ready to take their relationship beyond and want to evolve to Rhythms and Connectedness that allows them to spiral out of their traumas & dramas, pain & conflict, disconnectedness & fears.

Professionals & Educators are ready to look at connectedness from the heart with their relations and see their role to exchange blessings with each other for conscious & prosperous professional relationships at work and in education.

Currently, those who join our Personal Programs, Master Classes & Courses, as well as, our Vital Shifting Retreat Participants for Relational Rhythms benefits from Relational Rhythms.

Dr Amit : What is Shadow Shifting? What is Spirit & Sound Medicine?
How is it different from healing?

Patrick- Shadow Shifting is inspired by Jung, the traps and hidden aspects of our self. When we are born we are 100% conscious, by the age of 7 years old only 5%. A part of human development, conditioning, socialisation, education, and parenting, and that is not to say this is wrong or bad. And maybe it is for us to unlearn and unlock the unconscious shadow to awaken and step back into consciousness. Shadow Shifting is identifying the unconscious pain that separates us from self, meaning, what we have sacrificed as a child, unconsciously, because we felt it is good, for our parents, for our environment, whatever. 

Once understood and accepted a Shadow Shifting Ceremony takes us to our Spirit Potential and a conscious choice, which is rooted in our authentic truths. For example, my pain is fear of being me, and my spirit potential is a Light Spirit. Now my Light Spirit helps me to embrace my fear and take it easy, making new choices.

Healing is the process of becoming sound and healthy again (Health being the absence of sickness, discomfort or ill). There are many healing modalities addressing different aspects of the body, of symptoms, energy, etc. Healing is also Self-Healing, as the human body has a natural way of repairing, like every system(s). Holistic Healing Methods look at different kinds of views and perspectives, and bring more than two modalities together.

Spirit & Sound Medicine is based in connectedness with spirit, spirit animals, and being an instrument for sound. In our case, I let pentatonic flutes play me, and I chant, Cecie is with a whole range of percussion, including monochord, and her voice. Spirit offers guidance to the perfect state of vitality, (not health, as in the absence of sickness), and frequencies of awakening, shifting, actualisation, and ascension. Spirit and Spirit Animals ore often light and humorous and bring interesting messages, and inspiration for praxis. To give sound medicine it is crucial to allow the instrument, including ones voice to play the practitioner, who fully follows the guidance of spirit or spirit animals for the atonement, rewiring, and repairing of the human and spirit systems within the client. The Spirit Worlds and Worlds of the Heart reach into higher Multi-Dimensions, Parallel Realities, and states of Consciousness.

While we have learned quite a few Healing Arts, we feel more at home in Spirit & Sound Medicine.

Dr Amit- How can creativity be used as a tool to keep Relational Rhythms alive?

Patrick- Creativity is an expression of our true self and hence crucial for Relational Rhythms.

Most of us are disconnected from our Creativity, that we all enjoyed as children. A Rebirth of Creativity means unlearning the conditioning of control, manipulation, perceptions of right and wrong, good and bad to enter our real space of creativity.

Our focus is on awakening Creativeness, the power/passion within to create authentic& sovereign connectedness & expression on all levels of being. We also contribute to creativity as Catalysts & Instruments in the shift from Homo Sapiens (men & women of the mind) to Homo Luminous (men & women of the light), the awakening to Rainbow Warriors & Bridges dreaming a New World into Being. Relational Rhythms are a key to creative awakening, clearing pain, conflicts & dilemmas, shifting to a conscious & creative praxis of being, and portals to ascension.

Creativeness takes our power back to shine our Light.

Dr Amit : How does meditation, Yoga and Breathing contribute to Relational Rhythms?

Patrick- Relational Rhythms are involving body, breath, mind, emotions, heart, consciousness states, and soul, When activated as well as, we include all.

Meditation is used in the Shifting Ceremony, as well as daily Meditation Praxis
We record for our clients specific sound journeys, including one Spirit Animal journey.

Body and Breath, even Chanting are really crucial to have the whole experience and praxis. Yoga brings that focus, allows the physical body to feel it. Without the body it is really not complete. We have particular Asanas and Kriyas for each module (intra, inter, and trans), and yogis and non-yogis alike appreciate to be one with the body in this experience. The breath is part of the body and can take us to extraordinary experiences, again combined with the breath, a winner for the complete experience. We recommend 21 days, asanas, breath, chants or mantras, and meditation for each module to fully integrate the Relational Rhythms.

Dr Amit : You say, “Unlearning unlocks consciousness”. How does that work? What tools do you use? 

Patrick - When we recognise unconscious habits, conditions, understanding which are not true to us, or doesn’t serve us anymore. There are things that we learn that are not necessarily in our truths or harmony and often cause dissonance, discontentment, endless searching, and even mental, emotional and physical issues.

When we unlearn the unconscious, we unlock the power of choice, conscious possibilities, another horizon of understanding, and there we can make different choices in line with our true north, our Relational Rhythms, our resonance, our authentic and higher self. Unlearning Map, that I created, includes a 21 days integration to truly replace what held us in the unconscious before.

My tools are, meditation, breath, yoga, higher levels of consciousness, Shadow Shifting, Soul Retrievals, I take my clients on the Unlearning Map journey either in nature on retreats or a mediation journey environment, and whatever else comes to me.

Dr Amit : Relationship with self is the foundation of relationship with others. How do you help people build better relationships with themselves and others? 

Patrick -The Module of Relational Rhythms with self is dedicated to the relationship with self, and addresses also self-judgement, as the initial dilemma. After the Shadow Shifting it becomes Self-Love and an intense personal praxis begins for individuals. In this process, even before entering the inter-relational rhythm, compassion for others rises already. I also challenge clients to live in Ayni, an Andean concept of a sacred reciprocal relationship, non-linear and harmless to self and all.

Dr. Amit : What coaching and training/facilitation programs do you offer to individuals and corporate clients respectively?

PatrickWe coach, facilitate, teach, create intuitive sound & music, lead ceremonies & meditation journeys to individual clients, couples, entrepreneurs and corporate clients, respectively.

Weaving Relational Participatory Transpersonal Development, Praxis & Language, Sound & Spirit Medicine Art, Meditation Journeys & Yoga, Non-Duality, Indigenous & Shamanic Wisdom, Ceremonies & Prophesies in our World into signs of Awakening.

To our corporate clients I can be a Quantum Coach to Leaders, Creatives and Professionals in Learning & Organisational Development, Educational Development, Well being & Inclusion as well as Trainers, Speakers and Coaches.

Meeting them in their world at their breaking & burning points building a bridge to new Choice Points, beyond self, as well as Breaking & Making Story.

Up to 6 Coaching Clients every 6 months

In the Organisational, Professional & Educational Development Space we have an

Engagement Map for custom-made endeavours

Can be programs, seminars, masterclasses, conferences, retreats, developing, facilitating, creating, inspiring, speaking, empowering, making space +++ online or face to face.

Focus is on Relational Participatory Organisational & Professional Development

· Developing authentic Stress Busters and Resilience Allies

· Burnout Reset and Exit

· Making space for Creativeness

· Expanding Cross- & Intercultural Bridging, Behaviour, and Language

· Claiming the Keys to Inclusion & Diversity

· Building Relational Participatory Rhythms & Collaboration

· Awakening Conscious Leadership & Emotional Intelligence Praxis & Language

· Meditation Praxis & Heartfulness

And in the Educational Development can be the following in addition

Exploring Relational Rhythms in the classroom and the organisation

Conscious Educational Leadership

Teaching & amp;Deep (Un)Learning Maps

Creativeness, EduCreation, Design

Special Needs & Study Skills


Patrick (Fuss) Sonqo is based in Lamas/Peru, San Martin/Amazonia.

Life gave him many opportunities to learn & study formal & inspired wisdom & knowledge. He is blessed with a Master in Business Administration (International Business), Tertiary Teaching & Learning Postgrad Certificate, Mesa Carrier, Reiki Master, Crystal Healing, Spiral Dynamics, Appreciative Inquiry, Shadow Shifting, Yoga, Non-Duality Ho’oponopono, Living Systems, Light Language & Sound and others, inspiring him to o create and cultivate his own

Awakening to the Conscious HeArt of Being beyond self and Making Space for Collective Consciousness, one by one, step by step, voice by voice, heart by heart, mind by mind.

A Multi-potential Imaginarian at Heart, who can engage as a Facilitator Transpersonal Catalyst, EduCreator, Spirit & Sound Instrument, Coach, and Story Breaker, Shaper& Maker.

His other interests are Writing & Poetry, his Beloved, his AgaporniNalli, Natur, intergalactic connections, Water, and LIFE.


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